Thanks to a fortuitous visit to the Papula Paper shop on the Equator in Uganda at the end of an NCP trip to Sudan, we now offer their products for sale! Papula is a women-owned and run Fair Trade organization making paper products from organic materials and waste paper. Plus, the shop employs disabled persons, single mothers, widows, and people with HIV as craft persons in a society where there are very few opportunities and even less assistance for such folks.
The products themselves are made from natural materials such as banana bark, elephant grass and pineapple leaves, as well as from waste paper. The cards and albums are decorated with traditional African images. Great as gifts or for one's own use! With an average income of around $300 per person per year, Uganda is one of the poorest countries in a poor region. And throughout this part of Africa, women find it even more difficult to earn income due to gender bias. |
Ironically, women often make the best use of any money available, as they are the primary caregivers for children. Join us in our efforts to give Ugandan women a decent chance for a decent life! All proceeds beyond payments go to NCP's Give a Girl a Chance fund. To learn more about Papula, visit their webpage on Uganda Crafts.

Papula Double Frame

Medium Notebook/Diary

Large notebook/Diary

Single frame ( for 4x6 photo)

Papula Triple Frame